AI Code of Conduct

In early September 2023, officials from the G7 group of leading democratic countries (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States, the European Union) agreed to create an international code of conduct for artificial intelligence as politicians from Brussels to Washington seek greater control over this emerging technology. As part of the voluntary guidelines, policymakers said countries would work together on specific principles that would oversee the likes of generative AI and other advanced forms of the technology. This attempt at creating a unified, but nonbinding, international rulebook would then be presented to G7 leaders as early as November.

The code of conduct is expected to include commitments from companies to take steps to stop potential societal harm created by their AI systems; to invest in tough cybersecurity controls over how the technology is developed; and to create risk management systems to curb the potential misuse of the technology. The development of a Global AI Code of Conduct comes as the European Union seeks to complete its own AI legislation by the end of the year, and the United States pushes ahead with its own voluntary commitments announced in July.

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