Draft 7th Edition of the SIAC Rules

In August 2023, the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC) released a draft of its eagerly anticipated 7th Edition Arbitration Rules (the Draft SIAC Rules), and invited comments on the same via a public consultation by 21 November 2023. Being a major international arbitration centre globally, SIAC has over the years, developed a strong reputation for being innovative and progressive in the advancement of arbitration practice and procedure.

Key highlights of the draft 7th Edition of the Arbitration Rules include:

  • Technology adoption-the draft rules provide for an electronic “Gateway”, maintained by the SIAC, to which all communications, pleadings and documents in the arbitration are to be uploaded. The introduction of such a gateway mirrors civil litigation practises in many jurisdictions such as Singapore, where the courts maintain a similar platform to which litigants are to upload all documents relevant to their case.
  • Increased focus on efficiency and cost-effectiveness- the draft rules mandate various organs of SIAC and the Tribunal to ensure the expeditious and cost-effective conduct of the arbitration proportionate to the complexity of the claim and the amount in dispute in conformity with municipal civil litigation rules in jurisdictions such as England and Wales
  • Greater clarity to the Rules- for instance, the rules provide greater clarity regarding the grounds on which an arbitration may be challenged.
  • General modernisation, and the recognition of several developments in legislation, arbitration practice, and social and cultural change- for instance, a number of current Rules have been re-drafted in a more modern drafting style, more clearly segregating principles,

The draft 7th Edition is a welcome move as it proposes various amendments to the existing rules to ensure clarity and efficiency in arbitration proceedings handled by the SIAC tribunal.

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